CapraTek HR Simulation

CapraTek is a master's level human resources management simulation set in a fictional technology company. Students are tasked with carrying out a variety of real world tasks: conducting interviews with employees and potential hires, reviewing resumes and employee evaluations, and providing guidance based on their knowledge of CapraTek and it's culture.

Prior to the project I had built an experimental prototype to test out some new user interface designs and how we might provide a student with multiple layers of information in a single media piece. This prototype was well received by the team and served as the foundation for the project. Moving forward I worked on a number of design and code related areas:

  • Used elements of Twitters Bootstrap to create a flexible HTML and jQuery framework that allows for rapid development of interactive templates.
  • Worked closely with our developer to fine tune details like animated user interface elements and dynamic content generation.
  • Participated in several rounds of user experience testing and quickly implemented design revisions to address common issues that arose.
  • Created an animated trailer showing the simulation in motion for web ads and promotional use.
